
Ring battery status lights
Ring battery status lights

The wiring perpetually re-charges the battery. Until a few days ago it was always at 100% because the doorbell is connected to my home’s wiring. The battery indicator on the app stays at 0%. I have the first generation Ring Video Doorbell. It’s 4 months past the end of the 1 year warranty, so I doubt I can get Ring to replace it. It still works as a video doorbell, so I won’t throw it out. I think the device is just transmitting wrong information to the app, which causes Live View not to work. I don’t think there is actually anything wrong with the battery itself – the doorbell worked fine without being connected to my home wiring. Supposedly the battery is susceptible to cold weather, but that wasn’t the case last winter. I did a reset by pressing the orange button on the back for 15 seconds, but when I set up the device again the battery per the app showed fully charged for a second, then returned to 0%. They suggested a “power cycle” by pressing the 4 contact points on the top row of terminals in the back of the doorbell with the included screwdriver.

ring battery status lights

I tried the solution provided by Ring below, which was worthless. IDK if I fixed it per below, or it fixed itself. I’m back to 100% and I can use Live View again. When/if it finally stops working altogether I will probably replace it with a normal doorbell. It still works as a doorbell and video intercom for now, so it’s staying on the wall. I give up trying to make this thing work right. When someone rings the doorbell the video is still in color, but not in Live View.

ring battery status lights

Per below I can use Live View again, but now the video is very slow to open and is only in black & white.

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  • Ring battery status lights